


Mt. Inasa Observatory




Take in the Nagasaki night skyline, which was chosen as one of the new top three nighttime views in the world.

This popular observation area is located at the peak of Mount Inasa. Visitors are offered a view of the illumination of busy downtown areas reflecting off of the surface of the waters at Nagasaki Port and the twinkling lights of residences lining the sloped landscape. Operation of the Nagasaki Ropeway that provides access to the mountain's peak is suspended until February 5, 2016 due to work being done on the station house. During this time, a shuttle bus (reservation required) is available.

HOURS 8:00am-10:00pm
COST Adults 1230 yen/
ADDRESS Summit of Mt. Inasa, Inasa-machi, Nagasaki-shi
ACCESS 15 min. walk from Inasayama-chuhuku bus stop. 12 min. ride on Nagasaki Bus bound for Inasayama from JR Nagasaki Station.
TEL 095-822-8888
OTHER CONTACT INFO Nagasaki City Call Center
CREDIT CARD Not accepted


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