


Fukuoka Municipal Zoo and Botanical Garden




Enjoy observing energetic animals and delicate flowers all in one location.

HOURS 9:00am-5:00pm (entrance until 4:30pm)
NOTES RE: CLOSINGS Closed on following day instead if Mon falls on a national holiday. Closed Dec. 29-Jan. 1.
COST Adults 400 yen | High School Students 200 yen | Middle School Students or younger Free
OTHER INFO Handicapped and 65 yrs.+ residents of Fukuoka City, Kitakyushu City, Kumamoto City, and Kagoshima City Free
ADDRESS 1-1 Minami-koen, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi
ACCESS Near Dobutsuen-mae bus stop. 20 min. ride on Nishitetsu Bus bound for Hibaru Eigyosho from JR Hakata Station.
TEL 092-531-1968
OTHER CONTACT INFO General Information
CREDIT CARD Not accepted


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