Know before you go
- More about Japan
- National Holidays / Business hours
- Language / Time differences / Money
- Drinking water / ending machines / Cigarettes・Alcohol
- Electricity / Money exchange / ATMs / Credit cards
- Muslims / Halal foods
- Dress code / Tipping / Toilets
- Traffic rules / Manners in public places
Entering and leaving the Country
- Passports / visas
- Entering the country
- Leaving the country
- Liquids on your flight
Banking, mail, and courier services in Japan
- Sending mail and packages from Japan
- Internet
- Telephones
Helpful information
- Calendar of events
- Clothing and shoe sizes
- Baggage
- Prices
Tips for your stay
- Food
- Shopping
- Entertainment
- Accommodations
What to do in an emergency
- Theft or loss
- Hospitals/Pharmacies in Japan
- Japanese for emergency situations
- Natural disasters
- Tourist information centers