
Kyoto Tasting Tour: Nishiki Market



Enjoy the Tastes of Kyoto at
Nishiki Market


Nishiki Market Kyoto

Nishiki Market is known as the kitchen of Kyoto. This street is home to some 130 stores that sell ingredients to make Kyoto’s famous cuisine like kyoyasai (Kyoto-raised vegetables), kyotsukemono (Kyoto-style pickles), traditional Kyoto-style dishes collectively known as obanzai, as well as an assortment of snacks and sweets. It is a must-visit for any foodie eager to sample the refined taste of Kyoto’s local cuisine. 

The Tastes of Kyoto

Nishiki Market Kyoto pickles tsukemono

While green tea may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a famous food from Kyoto, this ancient capital is also famous for its pickles. At Nishiki Market, you’ll find many stores selling all sorts of pickles made from seasonal vegetables.

Nishiki Market Kyoto cucumber and eggplant pickles

Here’s a store that sells chilled pickled cucumber and mizu-nasu (lit. water eggplant). These are very refreshing on a hot summer day in Kyoto. 

Nishiki Market Kyoto tasty foods

There are also stores that sell small portions of popular dishes, making it easy to enjoy a tasting tour of Kyoto. Here’s one sellingfluffy dashi maki (rolled omelet prepared with soup stock), unagi maki (rolled omelet with a piece of eel inside), and hamo (conger eel) teriyaki.

Nishiki Market Kyoto takotamago

You’ll also see some more unusual foods as you make your way down the street. One example of this is the takotamago. These are tiny octopuses seasoned with a sweet soy-based sauce that have a quail egg inside their heads. While eating tiny octopuses on sticks may not be common for many people, these are tasty treats that shouldn’t be missed! 
Nishiki Market Kyoto sake

If you start getting thirsty, how does trying some sake sound? There are stores that sell it by the cup. 

Nishiki Market Kyoto fruit

For a healthy dessert, why not get a few pieces of fruit? There are shops that sell chilled fruits like these apples. 

Bonus: Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine

Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine entrance

You never have to go very far to find a shrine or temple when traveling in Kyoto. Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine is located at the east end of Nishiki Market. It is one of the shrines dedicated to the Shinto god of learning. You’ll see many students here praying for good grades, to pass tests, and to get into the school of their choice. 
Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine water

Another thing this temple is famous for is the purity of the water that flows here from underground. This water is named after the area: Nishiki no Mizu (the water of Nishiki).

Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine Hello Kitty! charm omamori

Although home to the god of learning, Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine also has some charms to help out those who are looking for love. And who better to help you on your quest than Hello Kitty! These little charms are surprisingly witty. Embroidered with the kanji for romantic love (恋; koi), they show Hello Kitty holding a colored carp called a nishiki koi (錦鯉), which sounds the same as the area's name and the word for love. This is so you can catch your love just like Hello Kitty caught the fish!


Nishiki Market | 錦市場
Address: the section of Nishikikoji-dori Street that runs between Teramachi-dori Street and Takakura-dori Street
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 
Hours: around 10:00am~6:00pm *Hours vary by store 
Some stores may be closed on Wednesdays or Sundays 
Access: 5 min walk from Kawaramachi Station (Hankyu Kyoto Main Line)
Website (Japanese only):

Nishiki Tenmangu Shrine | 錦天満宮
Address: 537 Nakano-cho, Shinkyogoku Shijo-agaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Hours: 8:00am~8:30pm 
Access: 5 min walk from Kawaramachi Station (Hankyu Kyoto Main Line)
Website (Japanese only):

Do you have a favorite food to get when walking down Nishiki Market? If so, let us know in the comments! 

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