
Get to Know a Buddhist Nun at a Local Temple

Get to Know a Buddhist Nun at a Local Temple

If you had to choose, what words would you use to describe Buddhism in Japan? After visiting some of the famous temples, you might think of words lik...

A Beginner’s Guide to Sento

A Beginner’s Guide to Sento

by guest writer Stephanie Crohin (sento journalis)Sento or public bathhouses are an attractive part o...

Shop All the Popular Stores at Osaka's Shinsaibashi-suji Shotengai

Shop All the Popular Stores at Osaka's Shinsaibashi-suji Shotengai

Shinsaibashi-suji Shotengai is one of Osaka's representative outdoor shopping arcades. Stretc...

Order a Cocktail from a Monk at Vow's Bar in Nakano

Order a Cocktail from a Monk at Vow's Bar in Nakano

by guest writer Laura Loss"Why," asked the Japanese man sitting at the counter, absently st...

A New Way to Travel: Get a Local Taste of Global Culture at Guest Houses

A New Way to Travel: Get a Local Taste of Global Culture at Guest Houses

Far from the stereotype of being only for poor college students, the modern guest house provides a level ...

A Day in Tsukishima: Explore the Old, the New, and the Monja

A Day in Tsukishima: Explore the Old, the New, and the Monja

by guest writer Laura LossOver 100 years ago, a shipping channel was created in Tokyo bay and the earth th...

Sakura Forecast for 2017

Sakura Forecast for 2017

Once we enter March, it won't be long before Japan's long-waited somei yoshino sakura begin to ...

From Rock Bottom to Manga Artist: an Interview with Misako Rocks!

From Rock Bottom to Manga Artist: an Interview with Misako Rocks!

Faced with situations that would have most people throwing in the towel and giving up, Misako Rocks pres...

Let's Go! A Walk-Through Guide to the Fushimi Inari Shrine

Let's Go! A Walk-Through Guide to the Fushimi Inari Shrine

Located in the entrancing city of Kyoto, Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is home to the famed tunnel of a thou...

Great Spots for Plum Blossoms in Kansai

Great Spots for Plum Blossoms in Kansai

You know that winter is ending at last when you start seeing ume or plum blossoms. Some of the earliest blo...

Enjoy Delicious Hokkaido Seafood at Hakodate Morning Market

Enjoy Delicious Hokkaido Seafood at Hakodate Morning Market

Although Hokkaido is known for producing some of the most delicious food in Japan, this island prefectu...